Thursday, February 7, 2013

Comedy Girl Crush Ep. 6: JC Coccoli

CGC Ep. 6: JC Coccoli

JC Coccoli, what a delight! We were lucky to have JC take time out of her busy schedule to come chat with us here at Comedy Girl Crush. She has a unique voice in comedy- part tomboy, part fashionista, part political activist, all very funny.

JC gives fantastic advice that applies to those who are just starting out, and those who have been at the game for a long time. And that is to always be working. And work she does! In addition to hosting/booking a weekly show at the Public House in Los Feliz (Keep It Clean), she does stand-up almost every night. When she isn't performing herself, she's out scouting for fresh faces to bring on her show. She has a webseries on Hello Giggles called Champagne Problems, and... you know what? Just check out her site: She is, BTW. Pretty.

Coming up, you can see JC on VH1's Best Week Ever, MTV's upcoming show Blogger Girls, and she's appearing on Chelsea Lately on February 19th. So give the podcast a listen - girl has shit to say!

Hosted by Nicky Urban
Tech Produced and Additional Questions by: Leann Bowen

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Comedy Girl Crush Ep. 5: Mary Holland

CGC Ep. 5: Mary Holland

On today's show, I talk with Mary Holland. She is a UCB everywoman - she performs on both the Harold team John Velvet and the Maude team New Money, and does a slew of other shows. She is fantastic at what she does and is known for creating grounded characters that people can relate to. 

Mary is also a member of Story Pirates, an organization that helps kids develop their creative voice by performing the stories that children write. She's one of the brightest performers to come up through the UCB system, and I can't wait to see what happens next for her. 

Hosted by: Nicky Urban
Tech Produced by: Leann Bowen
LSD Water supplied by: LA Water and Power